Friday, July 16, 2010


Before my track meets in high school I usually listened to the same mix of music to get myself pumped up. I don't remember most of the songs that were on that cd, but I do remember a few songs from Queen as well as a particular Disney song.

I have an interview for a promotion at work tomorrow and I decided a little old school inspiration was in order. I don't have the song on my computer anymore so I found it on Youtube. Colin passed through the living room as it was playing and asked me about it when I went upstairs. "What's it from?" I responded, "Mulan" Yup, that's right, one of my favorite inspiration/get pumped up songs is from Mulan.

So here's the link in case you're in the mood for a little pick me up....Mulan

I have since downloaded it to my phone so I can give it a quick listen right before my interview. :-)

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