Saturday, July 31, 2010

Moon Sand!

I love Moon Sand. I saw the commercial last year and was so intrigued by it that I put it on my Christmas list. I was worried that it wouldn't be seen as a serious request, but in the end, my parents came through! I got purple and white Moon Sand for Christmas and it was everything I hoped that it would be.

My mom also bought a few tubes of Moon Sand for the actual kids in the family. Turns out Alex is a little young for Moon Sand and Josie didn't want to take it back to South Carolina with her (it's a pain to clean up). So I ended up with more Moon Sand! I don't know why, but I just love it. I sat at the table today just making little blocks. I had big plans for a castle but I'm not much of an architect. It's relaxing to play with it and squeeze it through your fingers. I think everyone should own a tub of Moon Sand.

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