Saturday, August 20, 2011

March-August recap

It's been awhile, a long while. I think it's time to catch up. So much has happened since March....

I'm basically living at my parent's house. When I accepted the job in Plattsburgh, Colin and I agreed that we would move back to NY. We also agreed that I wasn't going to lake hop constantly because it's too expensive. My parent's have graciously allowed me to take over 2 rooms, 1 is my bedroom, and 1 is my office. We put our condo on the market and we are waiting for it to sell so Colin can join me on this side of the lake. It's weird being apart so much, but we're making it work like rockstars.

so here's what's currently happening

listening: Joy The Baker podcast
reading: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
learning: Photoshop (we're talking pre-school knowledge level)
watching: variety of HGTV, Food Network, Wipeout, and whatever is good on Netflix

side note on Netflix- Colin and I recently watched a documentary called Dear Zachary. I don't really want to give a plot, I think it's better not knowing. I will say that it was amazing and tragically sad. Watch it.

and back to my list

working: on my posture
wishing: Colin and I had days off together
feeling: hopeful that we'll sell our house by Christmas
wearing: blue and white striped Banana Rep. shirt, denim AE shorts, tiny gold ball stud earrings, a skinny black headband, and teal nail polish
excited: for the Run For Jon! I can't wait to see my family.
wanting: a new iPhone case

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