Friday, November 12, 2010

Road trip through VT

The first weekend of October, Candice and I took a road trip together through Vermont! Sadly I do not have pictures of the beginning of the trip which involved us being stuck in a ditch in Waitsfield, VT. Just in case you've never been to Waitsfied...there's no cell coverage. On the bright side, the people of Waistfield are very friendly! At least 5 people stopped to help. Eventually we were pulled out of the ditch by a passerby. I was so glad I didn't have to pay a tow truck!!

After the ditch dilemma, we made our way to the Waitsfield Famer's Market! It was the best farmer's market I've ever been to. They had everything you could ever want...local peanut butter, live music, homemade jellies, handmade quilts, bread, and Fall foliage! I got a simosa for lunch and Candice got a yummy looking chicken wrap. We were both in heaven.

Across from the farmer's market was a store called The Store. Again, we were in heaven. It was the perfect mix of old and new. The first floor was home to a variety of speciality foods and housewares and the upstairs was full of antiques! I bought some maple pumpkin butter and maple popcorn, both were delicious. Of course, it wouldn't be Vermont without a random cow hanging out with the antiques!

When we got in the car to leave, I turned and pointed to a sign on the billboard saying, "Candice, that's where I want to get married!". She told me to look it up on the GPS and see how far away it was. The GPS said 5 minutes, so off we went! I had been to the website awhile ago and thought it was the perfect place to get married. I was right....

We chose the right day to stop by, they were having a free art show and we got to walk around aimlessly and plan my wedding. :-) On our way back we stopped at the Cabot Annex in Waterbury. We must've tried 25 different cheeses, it was fantastic. Then we made our way through Stowe and up through Smuggler's Notch. Nobody ever warned me about Smuggler's's a death trap. It's very pretty, but it's insane!! There was one point in the road where I came to a dead stop with a huge boulder to the right of us (I think Candice could've reached out and touched it), it was one lane at this point and I looked at Candice and said "What am I supposed to do now?"

We made it out alive!!! It was one of the best days of the year by far. I love Fall and it was so fun to spend the day with someone that loves it as much as I do. I can't wait until next year!

1 comment:

  1. I had an absolutely amazing day with you exploring the VT foilage. It was sooo fun, I even enjoyed our time in the Waitsfield ditch, haha, remember I told you, "Well Jen, your hair looks really good" (and I meant it!!, lol). That farmers market was like a movie set, too perfect. This should be our annual tradition, a fall foiliage journey!
