Friday, November 12, 2010

Catch up!

Alright, it's time to play catch up! I guess I'll start from the beginning. The biggest perk to my new job is having the weekends off! The only downside is that I'm out having so much fun with my family that things like housework, blog posting, and such get neglected! I guess that a good problem to have :-) Anyways, I've been making the most of my weekends. The last week of September I went hiking at Flume Falls with Dad, Jeremy, and Alex. It wasn't the nicest day, but there was still some great foliage.

Alex slept on most of the way up, so on the way down he was ready to play "red light, green light" with me. He would run for a little while and then I would say "red light!" and he would stop and put his arm out in front of him until I said "green light". So cute.

Here's Alex and Poppa at the peak, if you look close enough you can see the snow!

Up next....Fall road trip through VT w/ Candice!

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