Tuesday, December 21, 2010

here comes Santa Claus...

I'm finger deep in Mod Podge right now but I thought I should write a quick post before it gets to0 late.

Here are a few highlights from the week before Christmas...

1. the house is a mess, I turned the dining room table into craft central...paper, ink, Mod Podge, photos, and glue all over the place
2. my laundry is also all over the house...bedroom floor, living room floor, in the dryer (none of it is folded)
3. I haven't wrapped a single present.
4. the days are going by so slowly, I'm dying to see my nieces and nephews.
5. I'm running out of time.
6. I really want to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra again....
7. I've been letting my Google reader pile up all week on purpose...on Christmas Eve morning I will curl up on the couch w/ the iPad/coffee and catch up :)
8. I have the 24th-28th off....it's been 5 years since I've had that much time off for Christmas.
9. I love my job.
10. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO excited for Christmas! seriously, I'm bursting with joy at the thought of being surrounding by my family all weekend. I am so blessed.
11. I wish Colin had more time off, but I'm grateful that he will be with us for part of it.

Merry Christmas!!

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