Wednesday, December 8, 2010

hump day!

My to-do list is haunting me. I keep adding things to it but haven't been able to cross anything off (except the paperclip holder) much to do and I wish I could say "so little time" but I think it's more a lack of focus. I mean there's nothing dire on the list, it's just this gloomy cloud hanging over my head. I keep finding other things to do like watch Glee...which I'm doing as I write this. (at least I'm multi-tasking!) I love Glee soooo much! Speaking of Glee, the other show that has been keeping me from my to-do list is The Sing-Off! I'm such a sucker for musical shows! I think we may actually get the holiday pictures done tonight, Colin has the camera on the tri-pod. I guess I should change out of my Run For Jon shirt for that.

Apparently there is no snow in Peru...well, luckily that's not the case here!! Plenty of snow already and it's still coming down :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to you, I have added making felt trucks to my list! It's all I could think about at work. I think I will use fleece instead of felt though. Fleece seems like it would be a little more durable. And I have fleece. Felt would require a trip to Malone.
