Saturday, January 15, 2011


My birthday this year will be 11-11-11 or 11/11/11, I haven't decided which looks better. I mean, both are awesome because that date only happens every 100 years! That's a century people! Anyways, I've been looking forward to this b-day for a very long time, and it's certainly not because I'm turning's not a very exciting age. Sooo...I told Colin I wanted to do something super exciting for 11/11/11 and he told me to start planning.

I've been thinking about this for awhile and I had narrowed it down to a few places....New York City, The Inn at Christmas Place, Boston, Disney World, or maybe a cruise...I think that's it. So over the last few weeks I've been trying to narrow it down because I want to start the planning process.

And the winner is....

(please watch this on YouTube, it will look much better)

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