Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This may be redundant, but is Fall here yet? It was hot today, certainly not the hottest day on record, but hot nonetheless. I truly don't understand how people live in the South. My sister said that it only gets down to 80 degrees in the house w/ the AC on because it's so hot. Colin likes the heat, I will do everything in my power to keep us above the Mason-Dixon line.

Today was Tuesday, my favorite day of the week. It's the day we go to get our vegetables from our CSA with Full Moon Farm. We got tons of good stuff today including corn and potatoes! We have watermelon radishes, green beans, sugar snap peas, onions, and beets (I need to learn how to can beets)coming out of our ears! I also love Tuesdays because we go grocery shopping right after picking up our veggies, that means a fridge full of lots of yummy food. Another reason I love Tuesdays is because Colin and I both have the day off together. Tuesday is our one day to ourselves and I enjoy every second of it. For dinner tonight we had salad, grilled corn on the cob, and grilled garlic bread. It was the perfect night to sit on the back deck and enjoy a delicious meal. The final reason I love Tuesdays is Wipeout, a family favorite. Unfortunately, it was a re-run tonight. Boo!

Note to self
-take more pictures, it would be way more fun to look at the yummy food than to write about it. I've never been much of a picture person...neither has Colin, we only have about 4 pictures of the 2 of us together.

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