Sunday, September 5, 2010

Run For Jon!

It has been awhile since my last post and I've had a busy few weeks. A few weeks ago I joined my parents, Jeremy, Jenni, and their kids for the 1st Annual Saranac Lake Mayor's Cup Regatta. It was the weekend before the Run For Jon so we all wore matching RFJ shirts and hats that were hand painted by my mom. It served as a little bit of publicity for the race and it was a great way to spend the day.

The yellow kayak is Jeremy and the green one right behind him is my dad. They came in 2nd and 3rd.

Halfway through the canoe race we had to get out of the lake and portage around the dam to the river. Jenni and I ran out of the way to let the boys do the heavy lifting.

Good thing we didn't wear white shirts, because I think we are all soaked in this picture, I know I was.

I also started my new job and although I have a lot to learn, I love it. I am the administrative assistant at a financial services office. I've gone from a world of TVs, computers, and a world of paper, staplers, and investments. It's a much needed change of pace. Did I mention that it's M-F 8:30-4:30? That was a huge selling point for me.

Last weekend we had the 20th Annual Run for Jon and it was a huge success. We raised over $5,700 which is more than ever before. Josie flew up the night before and surprised my parents. Half of the Mead clan was able to make it up as well as Mark Elmore, one of the founders. The weekend was a blast and I'll have to dedicate another post to pictures. Jamie took over 400 pictures and I haven't even looked at them all yet.

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